Coq Au Vin

Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, and her cookbooks are already a source of guidance for basic recipes but her show serves as my inspiration for more adventurous culinary efforts.  So now that I’ve got the essentials down it’s time to branch out. I’ll choose a recipe from an episode of the Barefoot Contessa to try in my tiny New York kitchen. We’ll see if I can keep up with the Contessa!

Ina Garten in the Kitchen, Image via

Ina Garten in the Kitchen, Image via

Episode: “Anniversary Dinner”

The Set-up: Ina and Jeffrey are celebrating their 39th anniversary with a special dinner on the porch outside the barn.

The Menu: Coq Au Vin, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Chocolate Cake

0:21 – Ina says that she and Jeffrey had a white, multi-tiered fruitcake at their wedding. Umm, eww no thank you.

0:39 – Thank goodness she’s not going to recreate the fruitcake monstrosity. Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Buttercream frosting is a no brainer substitute.

1:24 – Cake batter is underway. The secret ingredients for making chocolate flavor really come through: coffee and vanilla.

2:02 – Cake pans in the oven! I really need to try making a layered cake sometime which if I'm honest will probably be never…

2:59 – Ina’s telling stories about their first anniversary. She went nuts looking for something within the $5 budget. He got her a cashmere scarf. I think Jeffrey and my husband have the same M.O. when it comes to gift giving rules: Ignore!

4:07 – Ahh, their wedding album is so sweet! I love black and white wedding photos and Ina’s hairstyle is straight out of the 1960s.

4:34 – That is a MASSIVE pile of chopped chocolate. How did she resist sneaking a small sample? That’s discipline.

5:50 – I had no idea that buttercream frosting had egg whites in it. I wonder what other hidden ingredients are in my desserts – please don’t tell me!

6:03 – Okay, unless it’s rum. Rum works.

11:06 – The chocolate frosting looks so, so good. Pro tip: A hot palette knife will make the frosting surface super smooth.

14:15 – Mischief is afoot! Instead of working Jeffrey has been secretly out shopping for Ina. That sly devil.

15:00 – Coq Au Vin time and it’s off to a great start: bacon!

16:20 – Chicken, carrots, onions and garlic have all been browned in the lime green Le Creuset. I think that's the kitchen item I use most and Ina is a devotee of cast iron french ovens.

16:30 - Next? Deglazing the pan with cognac. Ina doesn’t say what she uses, but I’m assuming she and Busta Rhymes agree: pass the Courvoisier. No? Just me? Okay, cool.

17:00 – Onward! The chicken goes back into the pot and into the oven.

20:22 – Decorating the porch with candles and lavender napkins. So simple and elegant. I’d love to get a look at her linen closet. No, that is not a euphemism.

21:08 – I think Ina just hated on button mushrooms.

22:30 – Ina is thickening the coq au vin sauce with flour mashed into softened butter. This is brilliant – no lumps!

27:00 – Jeffrey is super stealth. Ina’s presents have been hidden table-side for the big reveal. Mission accomplished.

27:10 – Garlic mashed potatoes with sautéed garlic and a splash of heavy cream. Aaand, now I’m hungry.

29:00 – Dinner and presents are served! Jeffrey is totally busted for giving Ina more than the allotted 1 present and invokes the ‘hubby’s prerogative’ clause of their marriage. I like his style.

29:38 – The moment I’ve been waiting for – cake!! Wedding cake cutting re-enactment complete, and it’s another successful anniversary celebration.

Coq Au Vin, Image: Laura Messersmith

Coq Au Vin, Image: Laura Messersmith

Lessons Learned: I’ve made beef bourguignon in the past and the recipe for Coq Au Vin is very, very similar so I felt confident that I could handle this one and whip up some Garlic Mashed Potatoes too. Making the dish is pretty straightforward but there are a few different steps, so I had to pay close attention and make sure that I did them in the right order. The Coq Au Vin alone is pretty small kitchen friendly 1 large pot, 1 medium pan, a few basic kitchen implements, and a plate or two for reserving the chicken while the vegetables sauté. Adding the Garlic Mashed Potatoes to the mix made it more complicated and took some focused organization to coordinate with the final stages of the Coq Au Vin. At one point I had 4 pots and pans going on the stove. So, if your kitchen is really tiny or you don’t have that much cooking equipment another side dish might be better. Roasted potatoes or crusty bread perhaps?

The Verdict:

My husband loved this and commandeered the leftovers the next day, so that’s a definite vote in favor of making this again. This would be great for a dinner party too especially served with a fresh salad or greens.

Surviving the Polar Vortex

My nose is cold. So are my fingers and toes. The holiday lights and decorations have been packed away and the world has returned to its regularly scheduled programming. It’s time to face reality and accept that we’re in the middle of plain old winter.

Welcome to January in New York, friends where for days at a time we dip into sub-freezing temperatures that make it an act of willpower to get out of bed and walk the dog.  I’d like to pretend that the three years we spent in Texas made me ‘soft’ and took the starch out of my Yankee constitution, but the truth is I’ve always been a sissy when it comes to the winter.

Since our return to the Northeast I've had to dust off my tried and true solves for beating the winter blues. These are my recommended strategies for those times when hibernation just isn’t an option.

Bright Colors. Perhaps this is obvious, but when it’s grey and dreary outside it lifts my spirits to wear something other than black. Coral is one of my favorite colors and I wear it a ton when the weather is warmer - it just feels like summertime to me. As a result, my wardrobe is full of sherbet colored clothing which conveniently pairs well with more wintery shades like charcoal and navy.

Citrus. Something about winter makes me crave fruit, especially citrus. Perhaps some latent instinct to eat something grown in a warm climate? A desire to detox from a lingering holiday-food hangover? Whatever the explanation, grapefruit, lemon, and orange are the name of the game when January hits and I'm always on the look out for ways to incorporate them into a recipe. I have a feeling that this Grapefruit and Toasted Almond salad is going to be a new favorite in the dinner rotation.

Mental Vacation. Naturally escaping the polar vortex had crossed my mind, but when an actual trip isn’t in the cards then letting movie magic take me somewhere warm is the next best thing, preferably somewhere Mediterranean. For me The Talented Mr. Ripley is the perfect blend of mystery mixed with scenery, but here are a few more options carefully selected by The British Film Institute in case Gwyneth, Jude and Matt aren't your glass of limoncello. Enjoy!

The Talented Mr. Ripley; Image

The Talented Mr. Ripley; Image

A Super Excuse to Have A Party

Whether you actually like football, follow a specific pro team, or give a hoot about the SuperBowl - for me those answers are: yes, yes, and kinda but mostly about the commercials and any half-time show starring Beyoncé - it’s a great excuse to have friends over and whip-up some delicious food.

In my book it’s also a great excuse to make an adorable invite to said Super Bowl Party. I had an idea in mind and design came together pretty quickly with a combination of green gradients, chalkboard brush strokes, and a simple twist on a football strategy staple. Hope you enjoy!

Original Design: Laura Messersmith

Original Design: Laura Messersmith

And, because I can’t just leave it at that, I pinned some recipes for my favorite football-watching snacks. After three years in Dallas these crowd pleasers are Tex-Mex inclined and that’s just how we roll. 

Lime-Cilantro Chicken Wings


Beef & Bean Chili (served with shredded Jack cheese and Fritos please!)

Black Pepper & Molasses Pulled Chicken

Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread

Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies

Tri-Berry Pancakes

Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, and her cookbooks are already a source of guidance for basic recipes but her show serves as my inspiration for more adventurous culinary efforts.  So now that I’ve got the essentials down it’s time to branch out. I’ll choose a recipe from an episode of the Barefoot Contessa to try in my tiny New York kitchen. We’ll see if I can keep up with the Contessa!

Ina Garten.JPG


Episode: “Dinner with Friends”

The Set-up: Over a casual breakfast Ina and her friends, Eli Zabar and David Ziff, cook up a plan for a potluck dinner.

The Menu: Tri-Berry Pancakes (Ina) for breakfast; Fried Artichokes with Yogurt Dip (David), Grilled Steaks and Eggplant (Eli), and Plum Tart (Ina) for dinner

0:15 – Ina has some pretty amazing foodie friends. David Ziff and Eli Zabar – wow.

1:30 – Pancake making time and Ina’s adding orange zest and vanilla to the batter. That sounds light and fresh.

2:30 – Ina’s blowing my mind. She’s baking the pancakes in mini gratin dishes like a popover. No standing over a griddle. Smart.

3:00 – David and Eli are having coffee on the terrace. “How fabulous!” indeed.

3:30 – Fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries to top each pancake and “breakfast is served.” Now I’m hungry.

4:00 – Ina just invited the guys back for dinner. The theme is Mediterranean and naturally they said yes. Eli ‘s reputation as a grill master means he’s in charge of the steaks. David wants to make artichokes (which are in season) and Ina loves dessert, so that’s her assignment.

5:00 – The plan is to grocery shop and meet back at the proverbial ranch to cook. David’s partner, Alan Bell, will join.

8:00 – The plum tart is underway using Italian prune plums, which are apparently less juicy than a regular plum. I always have trouble getting the flour-to-fruit ratio right in fruit desserts and they end up bubbling over. I hope she has a trick…

9:00 – Tapioca! I knew Ina would have the answer. Also, secret ingredient alert: Cassis liqueur to bring out the flavor of the plums.

12:00 – Shopping with David. Artichokes, fresh herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary), greek yogurt, garlic? Check.

13:00 – Cooking with Eli. Is it weird that I’m curious to see his kitchen? Slightly disappointed; we don’t get a great view.

13:30 – Eli is reducing sherry wine vinegar and sugar to make a sauce for the eggplant. Mmm sweet and sour.

18:00 – Artichoke prep with David. Pro tip: 18 is the magic number of leaves to remove from the artichoke before frying in olive oil and garlic.

19:00 – David’s a thrifty guy and has a good use for the leftover olive oil and garlic cloves: vinaigrette. Someone paid attention in Home Ec.

19:30 – As a Chobani-loyal household I’m a little sad to see David is using a competitor for the greek yogurt dip with herbs. I really wanted us to be friends…

20:00 – Ina and David are sharing catering war stories. Here’s an idea: Ina, David and Eli should write a memoir of their time in the party business. I would buy it.

26:00 – The trick to getting Eli Zabar to come to dinner: ask him to grill steaks. You heard it here first folks.

26:30 – The word “shmeer” was spoken.

27:00 – The artichoke oil and garlic cloves return! Eli’s using them to flavor the grilled eggplant and grilled bread. Mmm carbs.

29:00 – Time to eat! Alan’s the big winner though - no cooking, all eating. Nicely played, Alan.

Final Thoughts:

I have to test the artichoke leaves theory when they’re in season this summer.
Repurposing the artichoke/garlic oil in another dish is fantastic and ties everything together.
Get Ina and Co. to write that memoir.

My version of Tri-Berry Pancakes; Image: Laura Messersmith

My version of Tri-Berry Pancakes; Image: Laura Messersmith

Lessons Learned: Since neither artichokes nor plums are in season right now (hello winter) and we don’t have a grill in our 12th floor apartment the recipe choices were narrowed down considerably. Good thing I love breakfast - Tri-Berry Pancakes it is! It’s small kitchen-friendly: 2 mixing bowls, 2 small baking dishes, and a few basic kitchen tools are all you need.  Ina uses her KitchenAid stand mixer all the time, but with counter space at a premium I used an electric hand mixer. Much easier to put away and worked just fine.

Loved the orange vanilla flavor of the pancakes, which are more savory than sweet until topped with the berries and maple syrup. I’d consider adding a little sugar to the pancake batter and skipping the syrup entirely next time. Final note – the butter coating of the ramekins or gratin dishes is essential. I was generous and my pancakes still stuck a little.

The Verdict:

All in all, a winner! And, with the exception of the fresh fruit, if you bake regularly everything else on the ingredient list is probably on hand in in the pantry.