Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken & Cheddar Grits

Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, and her cookbooks are already a source of guidance for basic recipes but her show serves as my inspiration for more adventurous culinary efforts.  So now that I’ve got the essentials down it’s time to branch out. I’ll choose a recipe from an episode of the Barefoot Contessa to try in my tiny New York kitchen. We’ll see if I can keep up with the Contessa!

Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa

Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa

Episode: “Barefoot Celebrations – Wedding Anniversary”

The Set-up: Ina and Jeffrey are celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary

The Menu: Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken, Creamy Cheddar Grits, Crispy Roasted Kale, Chocolate Peanut Butter Globs

0:05 – My, how time flies! It seems like just a week or so ago we were celebrating Ina and Jeffrey’s 39th Anniversary and now here we are!

0:57 – First up are the Chocolate Peanut Butter Globs inspired by Ina and Jeffrey’s dinners at Soho Charcuterie.

0:59 – I had to look this one up and it turns out that Soho Charcuterie was an NYC restaurant in the 1980s, which The Gothamist (partially) credits with putting Soho on the map. I think it’s fair to say that Ina and Jeffrey get points for being trendsetters.

1:15 – Okay, back to the task at hand. Ina has put her own spin on the original recipe by adding peanut butter chips to the mix. A woman after my own heart.

2:03 – Ina’s in charge of the baking and cooking while Jeffrey visits the local vineyard to select a bottle of wine. Someone – ahem, Jeffrey – seems to have gotten the better end of that deal.

3:12 – Pro tip #1: Cool the melted chocolate slightly before adding it to eggs in order to avoid a chocolate scramble. I have to remember that one – the alternative is frankly disturbing.

4:22 – Pro tip #2: Mixing chocolate chips and nuts with a small amount of flour will keep them from settling to the bottom of the batter. I’ve never noticed whether my cookies have this issue, but this seems like a good idea.

5:02 – Jeffrey has arrived at Wolffer Estate and is greeted by the winemaker, Roman Roth, who I am pleased to hear is German and pronounces the winery name properly as “Vulffer.”

5:30 – Cookie baking time and I hate to sound critical, Ina, but the word “glob” doesn’t really do it for me. Could we call these cookies something else more tantalizing? I’m just spitballing, but how about “Chocolate Peanut Butter Clusters” – would that work?

9:17 – Now we’re making the Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken. I wonder how many chickens Ina has prepared over the course of forty-five years of marriage – I’m afraid that the number might be quite starling…

10:09 – This recipe looks pretty similar to making oven fried chicken, but fancified, yes that’s a made-up word, for a special dinner.

10:11 – White wine and mustard dip + crispy panko, garlic, lemon, thyme coating. Simple, elegant and no frying oil. Nice. This isn’t Shake N’ Bake people.

12:55 – Meanwhile at the vineyard, Jeffrey is tasting white wines. Now this is my jam. Gewuztraminer, Riesling, chardonnay (unoaked please!) – all music to my ears. Jeffrey chooses something called “White Mischief.” I have no comment.

14:03 – As Jeffrey is leaving, the vineyard Roman presents him with a gigantic bottle of sparkling wine as an anniversary present. I would love to see the Gartens attempt to drink this – 100% confident that hilarity would ensue.

18:16 – Ina’s Creamy Cheddar Grits are inspired by the early years of their marriage when Jeffrey was in the military and they used to live in North Carolina. I can’t really picture Ina living on a military base – I think I might need proof. Pictures or it didn’t happen!

18:30 – She says they’re ‘surprisingly delicious’ but millions of Southerns can’t be wrong. Collard greens on the other hand I do not understand.

19:27 – Jeffrey is up to something again… a framed photo from their wedding as a present. What a sweet guy!

21:46 – Since it’s their Sapphire Anniversary, Ina has set the table with a deep blue tablecloth and hydrangeas – clever girl.

22:05 – The linens and candles are so simple, but the effect together is lovely. It also doesn’t hurt that they’ll be dining in a gorgeous Hamptons garden….

26:11 – Time for the Crispy Roasted Kale and to finish up the grits. Kale chips seem to be the new hotness of the last 2-3 years, so I imagine I’ll have to cave at some point and make these.

26:39 – Pro tip #3: Ina takes the grits off the heat before stirring in the grated cheddar. I always have trouble with cheddar separating into something unappetizing and I bet this is the secret to success: a slow melt.

27:33 – Ina’s reaction to the magnum of sparkling wine is cracking me up: ”Oh, my goodness!” She seems genuinely taken aback by this huge bottle. Looks like no drinking games tonight, friends.

28:23 – Ina proposes a toast to “putting up with me for forty-five years!” Jeffrey good-naturedly claims to need a bigger glass or better yet “a Scotch!” Oh, you two!

 29:02 – Jeffrey reveals his surprise – the framed wedding photo – and begins his campaign to another successful forty-five years of marital bliss with a Win. Well done.

Final Thoughts:
Ina’s a master at taking a simple dish and adding some new flavors to make it special.

Like Ina and Jeffrey, Mike and I lived in the South for a few years, but would you believe I’ve never attempted grits before? This needs remedying.

Jeffrey has a track record of getting into things on anniversaries – he may bear closer monitoring in the future.

Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken with Cheddar Grits and Arugula Salad; Image: Laura Messersmith

Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken with Cheddar Grits and Arugula Salad; Image: Laura Messersmith

 Lessons Learned: Since we really need dinner more than we need dessert – so practical! – I made the Crispy Mustard Roasted Chicken and the Creamy Cheddar Grits. I decided to serve these two richer dishes with an arugula salad dressed with mustard vinaigrette instead of kale, but I think a bitter green like spinach or Brussels sprouts is definitely the way to go.

These recipes are small kitchen friendly – one sheet pan, one small food processor, a few shallow bowls, one medium pot, a cutting board and a few basic kitchen tools and don’t require advanced kitchen skills. I did have a little trouble keeping the coating on the chicken, when we cut into our pieces a lot of it flaked off, so that’s something to strive for next time. The grits were really excellent and far simpler than I realized, so these can go into the side-dish rotation for sure.

The Verdict:
Mike and I both really liked this dinner a lot since it has all our favorite things – flavorful chicken, cheesy grits, and a green vegetable to brighten it all up. I have a feeling this will be a go-to dinner worthy of company.

A Walking City

Of the three major cities I’ve lived in – Boston, Dallas, and New York – two of the three have been what I’d call walking cities. Places with a distinct culture of traveling by public transportation or the old heel-toe express. Dallas was the exception – surprise! Mike and I used to joke that if you walked anywhere in Dallas without one of the following ‘excuses’ (a dog, a stroller, or running gear) that people would think something was wrong and you probably needed help.  

New York, New York; Image & Design: Laura Messersmith

New York, New York; Image & Design: Laura Messersmith

It’s not that I’m opposed to driving - I love a good road trip - but one of my favorite parts of being back in an East Coast city is the freedom to explore on foot. There’s something about seeing a neighborhood from the sidewalk instead of the street. It’s up close and personal and gives me the chance to notice the details – a charming shop display, the elaborate stonework on a brownstone townhouse, a particularly lovely window box. I can take my time meandering and all the traffic jams can be untangled with just a nimble side-step.

Since we live on the Upper West Side it is naturally the neighborhood I’m most familiar with, but I’m excited about (slowly) getting to know other spots in New York. I’ll be sharing my adventures with you, but I’m always open to recommendations. Don’t be shy, let me know your favorite spots in the city!


Scouting: Gilded Age Selfies

Today was one of those gloomy, rainy days when curling up on the sofa with a cup of cocoa and a novel seemed like a fantastic idea. Instead, I decided to rally and make a visit to Beauty’s Legacy: Gilded Age Portraits in America an exhibit showcasing selections from the New York Historical Society Museum’s permanent collection. Culture!

Gilded Age Portraits at the New York Historical Society Museum; Image Source

Gilded Age Portraits at the New York Historical Society Museum; Image Source

The portraits are of prominent members of New York Society and something occurred to me as I walked through the gallery that made me feel brilliant. When that happens I try to enjoy the moment, so I hope you'll indulge me for a minute. This is my theory: Gilded Age portraits are the selfies of yesteryear. 

I’ll pause while you contemplate that idea for a moment….

This is my reasoning. In the introductory text the curators described how having a portrait painted was the intersection of “art, beauty, and celebrity” and was intended to document and emphasize a family’s wealth, history, and power. No judgment for folks who love posting selfies, but think about it. These people were essentially the Blair Waldorfs and Chuck Basses of yesteryear and had portraits painted to show how great or beautiful they were, right? The purpose is the same. I mean, check this guy out. He certainly seems to be sending some sort of message and I think the same is true of our modern day social networking. Something to consider the next time you pass by a gilt framed portrait or scroll through your Facebook feed…

James Hazen Hyde, 1901; Theobald Chartran; Image Source

James Hazen Hyde, 1901; Theobald Chartran; Image Source

Final thought on the exhibit is that the curators did a fantastic job making these people real and compelling by sprinkling the bios that accompany each painting with hints of scandal. Exactly the types of things that would grace the cover of US Weekly or headline on Gawker: disappearing husbands, shockingly expensive costume balls, business meltdowns! I highly recommend this exhibit anyone who is interested in celebrity culture and wants to get a glimpse of the people who were the 1890s answer to The One Percent. Fascinating.

Mrs. Middleton Shoolbred Burrill, 1899; Benjamin Curtis Porter

Mrs. Middleton Shoolbred Burrill, 1899; Benjamin Curtis Porter

Chicken Pot Pie

Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, and her cookbooks are already a source of guidance for basic recipes but her show serves as my inspiration for more adventurous culinary efforts.  So now that I’ve got the essentials down it’s time to branch out. I’ll choose a recipe from an episode of the Barefoot Contessa to try in my tiny New York kitchen. We’ll see if I can keep up with the Contessa!

Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa

Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa

Episode: “Back for the Weekend”

The Set-up: Ina and her friend, T.R. Pescod, have worked out a trade: he’ll bring some provisions from the city and she’ll cook for their respective weekend guests.

The Menu: Chicken Pot Pie, Wheatberry Salad, Split Pea Soup

0:05 – Wheatberry Salad, eh? I have never heard of a wheatberry in my life so this should be educational!

0:54 – A wheatberry is neither wheat nor a berry. Discuss. Can you tell that I grew up watching SNL in the 1990s? Thank you, Mike Myers.

3:01 – Ina is cooking lots of things in advance including this salad. Smart lady. When I’m hungry it seems like so much work to make something – better to have it ready to go, hence the beauty of leftovers.

4:39 – Time to check in with T.R. Have I mentioned how much I love T.R.? One of my proudest moments was recognizing him in rerun of Sex in the City. I need to get out more.

5:15 – T.R. is getting his shopping list instructions – and wearing the hell (pardon my French) out of a v-neck sweater, corduroy jacket, and Clooney-esque hair. Whew!

5:22 – T.R.’s quote of the episode: “You know me; I’m all for decadence.” This was in reference to chocolate cake, but I think we both know that statement has broader applications. Watch out grocery store clerks!

7:13 – Now for the Chicken Pot Pie! Ina is roasting the chicken in the oven and I can attest that the extra step is worth it – with this method the chicken really does turn out ‘succulent.’

11:16 – This roux isn’t for the butter or cream averse. Good thing we started with a healthy salad.

11:23 – Pro tip: chicken bullion cubes to add extra flavor. Not just for Mad Men-era cooking!

12:02 – Ina’s adding frozen pearl onions to the pot pie mix which she likes because they don’t need peeling. This begs the question: who at Bird’s Eye is peeling bags full of tiny onions? The world may never know.

12:30 – Back to T.R.’s adventures in grocery shopping. The butcher behind the deli counter seems only mildly charmed by T.R.’s salami-related questions. This man must be made of stone.

13:11 – Ina is the Boy Scout of pastry crust: always prepared. Thank goodness for the rest of us that frozen puff pastry exists.

15:22 – The pot pies are cooked in the most darling little tureens. I know I’ve mentioned my interest in seeing Ina’s linen closet, next I want a tour of the china cabinet. Still not a double entendre.

15:35 – I count three instances of Ina using the word ‘succulent’ so far in this episode. My theory: a virulent case of word of the day calendar.

20:14 – Ina’s making split pea soup now and offers a pro tip for mincing garlic. This seems pretty basic, but I like how she sprinkles some technique into the show periodically. Again, educational!

21:42 – T.R. again and he’s doing admirably well with his shopping. Salad greens, heirloom tomatoes, check!

23:34 – I have been anti-split pea soup from a young age, but this episode is challenging me to try them out again. Perhaps I’ve matured?

27:49 – T.R. has arrived at Ina’s and it’s time for the hand-off.  He can’t come in for a glass of wine – clearly he has more willpower than I would after battling weekend traffic – because his guests are arriving soon. Boo.

28:26 – Last recipe of the night: tomato sandwich with basil garlic mayonnaise. Ina has the right idea – even a quick bite eaten at the kitchen counter can be special.

Final Thoughts:

I love Ina, but T.R.‘s comedic timing is gold. We need to import him from NY more often.
Cooking ahead of time, especially if you have weekend guests, is a great idea. Now to be that organized…
I really want to try the Split Pea Soup recipe sometime soon. Look at me branching out!

Chicken Pot Pie, Image: Laura Messersmith

Chicken Pot Pie, Image: Laura Messersmith

 Lessons Learned: I already had most of the ingredients on hand for Chicken Pot Pie and it’s one of my husband’s favorite meals, so this won out over Wheatberry Salad. What can I say, we’re not really health nuts. That’s the beauty of this recipe too – nothing overly special or fancy needed so it was easy to do this without a trip to the grocery store. It’s moderately small kitchen friendly – one sheet pan, one large pot, one medium pot, a cutting board, a few kitchen tools, and some ramekins. My one caveat is rolling out the puff pastry – that was tricky on 1 square foot of counter space. I do also recommend the smaller size baking dishes if you are cooking for a two or want a more elegant presentation for a dinner party.

The Verdict:

This is so, so good. Really chicken-y and the veggies take on that deep flavor without losing their freshness. Mike said: permanent green light to make this again anytime.