Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Need some inspiration to eat more vegetables? Step 1: buy lots of greens. Step 2: realize you’re going out of town for four days virtually guaranteeing a box of baby spinach sludge when you return. Step 3: begin searching frantically for recipes that call for an epic amount of baby spinach, but won’t leave leftovers. Step 4: discover that Smitten Kitchen has you covered, breathe deep sigh of relief.

I genuinely like leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc., but they don’t often make an appearance on my breakfast table. So, when I read Deb Perelman’s recipe in the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook for Eggs, Greens, and Hollandaise I was struck by its brilliance and simplicity. What a great way to incorporate some wonderfully healthy greens (and use them up before they go gunky) in a way that makes them seem indulgent with just the addition of a perfectly soft egg cooked on top.

Deb’s recipe was super straightforward and I’m sure this dish would be delightful with hollandaise if that’s your jam, but I’ve pretty much never met a recipe I couldn’t further simplify with laziness and lack of time. This version captures the spirit, if not the letter, of the law.

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Baked Eggs & Greens (serves 4)

1 1/2 pounds fresh baby spinach leaves
1/4 cup (1 large) finely diced shallot
1 1/2 teaspoons (2 cloves) minced garlic
4 large eggs
4 tablespoons softened butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
Kosher salt
Ground black pepper
Red pepper flakes (optional)

Pre heat the oven to 375 degrees F. Next, prepare four individual sized ramekins by brushing the inside of each one with approximately 1/2 tablespoon softened butter. Set aside.

In a large sauté pan melt together 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add the shallot and sauté for 4-5 minutes before adding the minced garlic. Sauté for another minute before adding the fresh spinach a few handfuls at a time. Allow the spinach to wilt a bit before adding more turning the leaves with tongs to coat them with the shallots and garlic. Season with 1 teaspoon kosher salt and 1/3 teaspoon ground black pepper.

When all of the greens are cooked and the liquid released has evaporated, divide them evenly among the ramekins making a shallow divot in the center. Carefully crack one egg into each ramekin taking care not to break the yolk.

Bake at 375 degrees F. for 10-12 minutes until the whites have set and the yolk is just beginning to thicken.

Sprinkle with kosher salt, ground black pepper and/or red pepper flakes as your palate directs. Serve immediately with toast cut into long strips.

Inspired by and adapted from Greens, Eggs and Hollandaise by Deb Perelman in the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook (page 33). Similar recipe here.

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Small Kitchen Friendly?
Yes indeed! I needed 4 ramekins (mine are 7 ounces), a pastry brush to spread the butter, a small cutting board, chef’s knife, and large non-stick sauté pan. Measuring spoons, tongs, and a rubber spatula round out the kit.

The Verdict:
Baked Eggs & Greens is a deceptive dish - the ingredients are so simple, the preparation is straight forward, and yet the results are so delicious you might be surprised how many leafy greens you’ll gladly consume. Picture it: tender spinach rich with shallots and garlic tucked under a blanket of soft egg, served with crisp toast soldiers perfect for dipping. Even better? The eggs and greens come together so quickly that it doesn’t have to be a special occasion to make this.

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Baked Eggs & Baby Spinach | Image: Laura Messersmith

Herb Baked Eggs

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Each week I follow along with Ina Garten (aka the Barefoot Contessa) and attempt to recreate one of her dishes in my tiny New York City kitchen. The catch? This is my version of cooking school and I’m making these recipes for the first time. I’ll share both my successes and um, challenges, along the way and we’ll see if I can keep up with the Contessa!

Episode: “Bring the Magic Home”

The Set-up: Ina remembers her trips to Paris and makes a dinner inspired by the city.

The Menu: Endive, Pear and Roquefort Salad, Profiteroles, Herb Baked Eggs

0:29 – We begin with a trip to Le Grand Epicerie in Paris – one of Ina’s favorite specialty food shops. It reminds me a bit of Eataly, open space, lots of variety.

1:11 – Back in Ina’s kitchen where she’s preparing to make Profiteroles. First step: pâte à choux.

2:24 – This dough is already scaring me - cooking the dough, then adding cold eggs to a hot mixture without tempering first? Somehow it turned out fine, but now a pastry bag is required to pipe the profiteroles.

3:33 – Ina tries to reassure me that if you make a piping mistake you can just scrape the dough back into the pastry bag. Why does that one piece of equipment make me want to abandon all hope?

3:50 – Pro Tip #1: dip your finger in water and press down the little tips so they don’t over cook.

4:45 – Back to Paris where Ina is visiting her favorite flower shop for arranging ideas. Idea #1: pick a color and gather a few flowers that are all in that shade, for example pale pink peonies, roses, and sweetpeas.

5:14 – Idea #2: Pick one flower, say hydrangeas, and make a massive arrangement. Idea #3: Combine one flower with an herb.

6:03 – Ina has decided to practice Idea #1 with a few different orange flowers and confesses that like many of us, finding the right size vase is the hardest part.

10:26 – We take a trip to a fromagerie in Paris for a little cheese tasting. Ina recommends choosing three very different cheeses and selects a soft goat cheese, harder cow’s milk cheese, and her favorite Roquefort, which is made from sheep’s milk.

11:38 – Back in the U.S. Ina is making her favorite salad with Endive, Pear and Roquefort including a dressing with champagne vinaigrette.

13:17 – Flashback to a dinner with Jeffrey at Café de Flore for a simple, but elegant supper of champagne and omelets with ham and cheese.

14:44 – As they eat their dinner Ina begins to scheme a similar recipe to make at home. I can totally relate, eating in restaurants these days is a combination of research and a search for inspiration…

19:29 – The recipe that emerged from their omelet experience is Herb Baked Eggs, which sounds amazing.

20:42 – So far everything that’s going into these eggs is perfect – butter, cream, garlic, parmesan, herbs. Mmmmm.

21:13 – The trick to this recipe seems to be pre-cooking the cream and butter a little bit in the gratin dishes so that the eggs begin cooking as soon as they hit the pan.

22:26 – Back to the Endive, Pear and Roquefort Salad and it’s time to assemble the plates, which basically entails strewing the leaves with crumbled blue cheese, slices of pear, and toasted walnuts.

23:30 – The finishing touch on the Profiteroles is a chocolate sauce enhanced with coffee and honey. Jeffrey is a lucky guy.

27:15 – Dinner is served on the back porch as dusk begins to settle, the birds chirp, the crickets sing. Trust me when I tell you it’s incredibly idyllic.

28:34 – Time to assemble dessert. Each profiterole gets a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce from the most charming little earthenware pitcher.

29:50 – A final toast: “to Paris!”

Final Thoughts:
Ina and I are on the same page – there’s so much inspiration to be found traveling!

When I discovered baked eggs it was a revelation. I can’t wait to try Ina’s version.

I really need to address this fear of the pastry bag. Maybe not with profiteroles though…

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Lessons Learned:
I’m obsessed these days with softly cooked eggs and I thought Ina’s Parisian Herb Baked Eggs would be the perfect way to start a moody, grumpy Bastille Day.

Prep: This dish comes together so quickly that you really will want to have both the herb/parmesan mixture, toast, and eggs ready to go before the gratin dish even hits the oven. Trying to do much more than press the lever on the toaster while the eggs are cooking will pretty much guarantee missing the magic moment of done, but not too doneness.

Dish Selection: I know an artist should never blame his brushes, but honestly sometimes the key to cooking lies in the equipment. In this case a wide, shallow baking dish is a big element. The eggs need even contact with the heat to allow the whites to set first while leaving the yolks still soft. When the eggs don’t have room to spread out it’s nearly impossible to achieve that balance. If you don’t have individual gratin dishes and don’t want to buy some then I’d recommend using the largest, shallowest ramekin you have or reduce the eggs by one so that they’re not overly crowded.

Timing: These eggs are a simple dish, but don’t be fooled they require careful watching. If you want a truly soft yolk, I’d recommend starting with 5 minutes (assuming you’re using a shallow dish) in the oven, since the eggs will continue to cook after they’re removed from the oven.

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Small Kitchen Friendly?
Indubitably, this is small kitchen friendly. I needed shallow gratin dishes (one for each person), small coffee cups (one for each dish), a baking sheet, measuring spoons, chef’s knife, microplane grater, and small cutting board.

The Verdict:
Trust Ina to bring back a dish so deceptively simple and elegant. I loved making Herb Baked Eggs for breakfast because it had all the trappings of a fancy breakfast, but required very few fine motor skills – essential when I’m cooking pre-coffee. The herbs, garlic, and parmesan add just the right amount of seasoning even with out salt & pepper, but a little sprinkle of both wouldn’t be over the top. This would be the perfect dish to make when you have a crowd for breakfast – the same effect as a lovely poached or fried egg, but much simpler and it feels special too.

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Herb Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Isn't it nice when last night's dinner offers a head start on next morning's breakfast? Here in New York, despite being the (alleged) First Day of Spring we are currently “enjoying” a little snow storm to welcome the season. Yay? Tangent alert: Days like this remind me of elementary school when we’d make “out like a lion, in like a lamb” paper plate crafts by curling construction paper manes around our novelty size pencils and gluing cotton balls for wool. Just me?

Anyway, I’m holding out hope that we will finish March with mild weather, but while the lionish weather is still holding firm I’m sticking with comfort food. This baked egg dish could not be easier or more hands off and it has the dual benefit of being what I think of as a “leftover-makeover.”

Case in point: remember the Company Pot Roast from the other week? It was awesome, but once the roast was gone I still had several cups of beautifully seasoned and deeply flavored sauce. I hate wasting food so there was no way I'd throw something so delicious away. Thankfully, I was reminded by an article in Bon Appétit that both Portugal and Italy have versions of a dish where an egg is poached in rich tomato sauce. The leftover bourgiugnon-style sauce seemed like a great way to make a French inspired take on a Mediterranean classic. Just an idea to file away the next time you have extra stores of tomato-based sauce….

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs (yield: 4 servings)

4 cups Company Pot Roast tomato sauce
4 large eggs
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
8 slices multigrain bread, toasted

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Divide the tomato sauce equally between four medium ramekins (16 ounce) or other small oven safe dishes. Place the ramekins in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the sauce it hot and bubbling.

Use a spoon to create a well in the sauce and crack a whole egg into each depression. Return the ramekins to the oven and continue to bake for another 8-10 minutes. Meanwhile, toast the slices of multigrain bread.

When the whites have turned opaque and firm, but the yolk is still soft remove from the oven. Divide the grated parmesan cheese, fresh thyme leaves, kosher salt, and pepper evenly and sprinkle over the top of each ramekin.

Eggs continue to cook once removed from the oven, so serve immediately while the yolks are still runny with slices of toasted multigrain bread for dipping.

Inspired by and partially adapted from Eggs in Purgatory by Nigella Lawson and Portuguese Baked Eggs by Bon Appétit

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

Small Kitchen Friendly?
Yes, indeed. I used four 16-ounce, oven-safe ramekins, a liquid measuring cup, measuring spoons, microplane grater, a large spoon, bread knife, and medium cutting board. That’s it!

The Verdict:
I was initially suspicious when I first heard of this dish. The combination of tomato sauce and eggs just seemed bizarre, and when I decided to re-use the sauce from the Company Pot Roast I was afraid we’d try it and immediately have to call for pizza. I want to be modest, but it was delicious and both Mike and I dove right in cleaning our proverbial plates. I advise leaving the yolks uncooked and mixing them around with the tomato, it’s awesome. Don’t skimp on the toast – you’ll need it!

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith

French Baked Eggs | Image: Laura Messersmith