As inspiration for more adventurous culinary efforts I’m following along with Ina Garten, aka The Barefoot Contessa, in my tiny New York kitchen. Let’s see if I can keep up with the Contessa!
Episode: “Girls Day Out”
The Set-up: Ina decides that she and her friends Donna and Antonia need a day off for some lady activities like eating lunch, chatting, and shopping.
The Menu: Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Sunrise Smoothie, Warm Goat Cheese Salad, Grilled Peaches with Amaretti
0:42 – The ladies (ahem, Girls) are arriving for breakfast so Ina’s making Sour Cream Coffee Cake. I like how this day off is shaping up already.
1:51 – Ina is sifting cake flour and honestly I have no idea what the difference is between flours – all purpose, self rising, say what?
2:13 – She says that cake flour can be replicated by combining all purpose flour with cornstarch. This will require some nerding out, aka research.
3:35 – As the mixer whirs away Ina mentions that the key differences between cooking - “throw everything in a pan” - and baking - “use just the right ingredient and measure exactly.” I feel like there’s a whole philosophy on people here…
3:59 – Research topic number two: sour cream. It’s the magic ingredient in this cake and in our traditional birthday cake, but I have no idea why?
5:07 – I’m glad to see that Ina is also sort of a messy cook. Honestly, that’s the hardest part about cooking in a small space – I run out of clean countertop real estate really fast!
6:16 – Since I’m in the mood for scientific discovery I had to Google the reason for the little prongs/feet on tube pans and learned that they’re for Angel Food cakes which need to cool upside down to keep their fluffy volume. File that one away for your next trivia night.
10:22 – The Sour Cream Coffee Cake is out of the oven and the “Things Are Afoot” music is playing – with good reason, that cake looks so good.
11:15 – I was right; things are afoot in the form of a Maple Drizzle addition to the cake. Yum. Points for realism as Ina adjusts the consistency of her glaze – it takes me about 4 rounds of adding powdered sugar, then more liquid, etc., etc.
11:58 – Time to make Grilled Peaches with Amaretti and I think know what’s going on my new cast iron grill pan next!
12:23 – So here’s my question: how did Ina get the pits out of the peaches without a ridiculous tussle? I always have the worst time with that step, but hers look perfect.
13:04 – This dessert looks amazing – peaches + rum + amaretto + vanilla sugar.
14:46 – Now for the Sunrise Smoothies and Ina is sneaking in raspberry sorbet among the strawberries and mango as the thickener. I know my smoothie in-take would increase if they contained more sorbet.
15:17 – These smoothies are the most gorgeous shade of orange – even without the sorbet I want one.
15:43 – We get a brief interlude in the garden over breakfast and then it’s time for shopping! PS: What time did Ina get up that she has three recipes done before noon?
19:50 – Ina and her friends shop and then she heads home to make lunch, apparently without buying anything, although she does try on a fetching hat.
20:11 – Warm Goat Cheese Salad is next and Ina’s MacGyver-ing the slices of goat cheese with a piece of dental floss. Tricky.
21:25 – After the goat cheese slices have been dipped in egg whites and breaded she recommends chilling them, I assume to help the coating to set?
22:19 – Apparently the inspiration for this salad is one Ina and Jeffrey had at a café in Paris. I’m 100% on board with trying to recreate great restaurant meals.
23:48 – Goat cheese is sautéing and the breading looks lovely and golden in the pan.
27:52 – The “Getting Things Done” music is on as Ina assembles lunch. Mesclun mix meets vinaigrette, goat cheese rounds nestle into the salad leaves.
28:10 – We retire to the garden to have lunch and Ina makes a shocking remark about “not being crazy about goat cheese” except when it’s warm – this is one place where we differ. Bring on the goat cheese!
29:34 – Back inside to put the finishing touches on the Grilled Peaches with Amaretti and I had a moment of clarity: this is basically a really stripped down crumble. Think about that for a minute – cooked fruit, crumbled cookie topping, a dollop of cream? Brilliant work.
Final Thoughts:
I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I’m serious this time - I really want to make vanilla sugar!
The idea of lightly breading and frying cheese has me considering what other cheeses should be treated this way. Cheddar? Mozzarella? Smoked gouda?
The only way Ina’s girls day could get better is with a splash of champagne with lunch instead of Pellegrino.